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The word "December" is said to have been coined about 1000 years ago. In Latin the word means the tenth month. You might wonder how then did it end up becoming the 12th month of the calendar? According to the ancient Roman calendar a year consisted of only 10 months whereby the first month of the year began with March and not January. The Gregorian Calendar currently being used is whereby January is now considered to be the first month of the year.
If we take a look at why December happens to be a very significant month of the year, it is because this period marks the end of the year and as the saying goes that the ending of something is also considered the beginning to something new.
In addition, this is often the time whereby families and friends get together and celebrate and also analyse their overall personal growth in terms of their careers, finances, and relationships and moreover to being grateful to everything that you have. December is also marked as a season of festivities and holidays. Let's take a look at how one can celebrate the month of December.
As the year is almost coming to an end, I personally think that it is important to celebrate the week with gratitude. There are various ways of being grateful and these are some of the many ways that one can choose to be grateful to.
Firstly, be thankful for having good health. Perhaps you would like to make changes to improve your well-being. You might also want to begin adopting healthier eating habits, hydrating timely, have a fitness regimen and also reflect on taking up meditation and yoga classes.
Secondly, be grateful towards your near and dear ones for supporting you in times of hardships and for standing by your side through thick and thin. Perhaps you may consider cooking a special meal or might ponder taking them somewhere special for a delicious meal.
Buying that special gift that they have been setting their eyes on for a long time could just be the key to bring them so much joy.
And as you invest time on everyone around you, don't forget to give yourself that much-needed time and change too. Contemplate on anything from having a swanky haircut, a relaxing day out at the spa, eating your favourite meal or maybe even buying yourself a book that you've always wanted to read.
Most importantly give yourself time to reflect about how the year has been in terms of your own growth. Perhaps you may feel the need to advance your career or even might consider changing your job. It's possible that you'd be interested in learning a new skill which could help enhance and advance your career. Develop a habit of journaling. It has been proven that journaling about gratitude has the ability to give rise to a healthy and a happy mindset.
As the second week begins, consider those who have not been fortunate enough to be able to meet their needs. The gestures of sharing and that of being kind towards them can bring about the much-needed ray of hope to their life.
Homes for the old, orphanages and also hospices are places whereby one may realise the true meaning of empathy and compassion. All they need is just someone to hear them out, someone to hold their hands and comfort them and bring them love and joy. Donating clothes or toys to the less privileged can be a very thoughtful deed.
In addition one can award a token of appreciation in the form of a gift hamper or a money voucher to the janitor at your institute of work for they work tirelessly without any complaints and often end up being the most forgotten and left ones.
Random acts of kindness towards strangers such as paying for their coffee or meal, paying for their groceries, and also offering to carry the groceries of an elderly person to the car brings about joy to both the receiver and also to the giver. You can also visit animal shelters and perhaps consider adopting a furry friend this Christmas.
As Christmas is finally here make it a memorable one for family and friends as this can be the time for fun, joy and perhaps even being nostalgic. Baking cookies and a delicious assortment of Christmas goodies can be fun especially if you involve the children. Children are often creative and their involvement also builds up their confidence and also makes it a memorable event for the whole family.
Bake or buy a ready-made fruit cake and also set up a small area whereby one can enjoy some delicious hot chocolate by the fireplace. The main course too could include anything from homemade nourishing meals to lip-smacking takeaways. Send out Christmas greeting cards with a thank you note to relatives, friends and colleagues.
Line up movies to watch with the family and also keep in mind to listen to your favourite Christmas Carols.
As this marks the last week of the year and after all the running around it is time to catch up with quality rest time as it's time to gear up and look forward to the brand-new year.
Reflecting by reminiscing and recapping the year that has gone by and looking forward to a new beginning can be very exciting for some and overwhelming for others.
Last but not least be true to yourself by setting up positive and realistic goals for the year ahead. Whilst making any resolutions make sure that the firm decisions that you establish are practical, transparent and authentic. As I come to the end of this article a poem by Norman Wesley Brooks comes to my mind.
Christmas is forever, not for just one day, for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf. The good you do for others is good you do yourself. Peace on earth, goodwill to men, kind thoughts and words of cheer, are things we should use often and not just once a year.
Remember to the Christ-child, grew up to be a man; to hide him in a cradle, is not our dear Lord's plan. So, keep up the Christmas spirit, share it with others far and near from week to week and month to month, throughout the entire year!
Hoping that the season of festivities will be an unforgettable one.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
By Disha Sharma
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