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Healthy Eating

Over a period, I have read articles, watched a number of telecasts and also read contradictory reviews about food. It baffles me to think what's right and what's wrong.
I am not a nutritionist by profession, but I feel the need to put my point across as I think that a lot of people have a misconception about how to put into practise a good relationship with food.
Food is fuel for the body. A balanced diet is essential to keep away diseases and infections and to provide good overall health. I believe that a balanced diet consists of proteins, carbohydrates, fibre, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. The trick here is how to incorporate a balanced diet and to keep eating disorders at bay.
If asked what is the definition of calories, I'd say calories are a unit of energy that are essential for the body to function. Food packages usually have the nutritional information listed; this helps the buyer know how many calories can be consumed per serving.
Keep in mind that everyone requires a different number of calories for the benefit of their health.
As a quick tip, note down how many calories are required for you to take each day as a guideline to determine the calories you need to consume.
Depriving your body from eating food in the name of "diet" can work against you.
Often people restrict themselves from consuming certain types of food which in turn leads to binge eating at the completion of a diet. In such a situation one should never go to the extremes of cutting off a food group completely from their diet but instead choose to eat everything in moderation.
It is important to know that there is no such thing as "good" food or "bad". Food is nourishing and nurtures our body. It is important for one to know which food group is likely to increase sustainable energy and which one to avoid.
Foods such as proteins and carbohydrates are good energy foods, but fried and sugary meals are high in fats which are unhealthy for the body.
Consider not removing a whole group of food but instead create a balance.
Emotional eating can also be known as comfort eating. Eating disorders are real. Keeping a check on your emotions is important.
Over time, eating disorders have given rise to unhealthy eating habits.
Sadly, we abuse food to feel "happy". I have witnessed people overeat when they are sad, angry, or lonely. I have also witnessed people hit the bottle when they fail, grieve and or have been diagnosed with a chronic illness.
One must seek help if they are undergoing any sort of an emotional breakdown.
Journaling how you feel and what you eat can help one notice and take charge to adapting a better eating habit during an emotional breakdown. Remember it's wise to consult a specialist who can introduce you to strike a balance to manage your emotions and to choose healthy eating habits. Remember to be kind to yourself and to nurture yourself with a balanced meal.
Our body can signal cravings to the brain. Women usually crave certain types of food during pregnancy and during menses. This occurs due to hormonal changes. Having an imbalanced nutrition can also trigger certain food cravings too. One also craves for sugar after a vigorous workout at the gym. Always be mindful of what your body needs are and nourish it well.
Just like fashion fads, diet fads similarly make a grand appearance with unrealistic claims that tempt people to go through aggressive and unrealistic diets. This can lead to severe deprivation of essential nutrients which are vital to keep the body healthy. If you choose to take up a diet I'd suggest before starting take a look at the long term results.
What is the meaning of intuitive eating? It simply means intuitively knowing what to eat and to eat whenever the body signals hunger and to stop eating once full. Intuitive eaters give themselves permission to eat whatever they want, without going through a guilty trip of the food choices made by the individual.
Never starve yourself as your body has a mechanism to turn reserved sugar into fats. It also provokes one to eat anything instantly without caring about the repercussions it can cause. So instead of going into extreme lengths of starvation it is important to take five small portions of food which consist of fruits, vegetables, proteins, nuts and a bit of fats such as olive oil.
On the other hand, overfeeding can make the body mechanism slow down as it struggles to break down food. Remember that it takes twenty minutes for the brain to get a signal of feeling full. Chew your food well and eat slowly and notice the difference as opposed to eating fast and gulping food.
The recommended amount of water to be consumed daily is about two litres but can vary from person to person. Hydration is necessary for the body as it regulates body temperature, delivers nutrients to cells, lubricates joints, and also aids in maintaining healthy functioning organs too. Avoid carbonated drinks, caffeine, sugary beverages, and alcohol daily. It's ok to indulge in the above occasionally.
Our body is a temple. Treat it well for not only does it support us to live healthy, but it also houses our soul. Feed it well, nourish it and give it all the love and care. I hope this article brings out the best relationship between you and food.
By Disha Sharma
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