Q & A With . . .
Sarah Ridge

An ex-professional dancer, a qualified fitness instructor and now a coach for ladies that are approaching and going through perimenopause and menopause at a 1-2-1 level as well as in the workplace. Her app 'The Menopause Coach' enables you to track all things menopause related, diet, exercise, self-care and much more. She is also the founder of the Sisterhood Networking Group, true to the group's motto 'Sisterhood is a bond that goes beyond being family...' She truly makes you feel welcomed with her sparkling and awesome personality, cheering your confidence and success.
Tell us a bit about yourself, who is Sarah?
Sarah is a busy mum of two and wife to one! She lives in beautiful Leigh-on-sea in Essex and has done for most of her life. I love dance, singing, shows and concerts! I’m passionate about leading a healthy and fulfilling life and want to live till I’m 100!!! Oh and I’m perimenopausal!
How long have you been a Menopause Coach?
For about 2 years now.
How do you assess what your client needs?
I get to know most of my clients via my Facebook groups first. We’ll then have a chat online to see what would be best for them. I can offer 1-2-1 coaching or they can subscribe to my app to join in with other ladies.
How long do your 1-2-1 sessions last?
If I’m coaching 1-2-1 they will embark on my 3 month programme. This allows me to help them to make the necessary changes to their diet, exercise regime, stress levels and mindset. It’s a progressive programme that should become a lifestyle once the 3 months is over. I still follow it myself - it’s amazing!!
How does one know if they are going through menopause, what are some of the common symptoms?
The first thing to mention is that menopause actually only lasts for a single day (I know!!) This is the day after you’ve not had a period for an entire year, so 365 days in total. Then once that day has passed you are then post menopausal. Common symptoms are disrupted cycle - it can become longer, shorter and/or very erratic. Heavy periods, fatigue, aching joints and brain fog are also very common.
What are the challenges in menopause?
I think trying to navigate your way through the symptoms when you’re trying to work, manage a family, possibly look after elderly parents and be a good wife/friend/relative!! The struggle/juggle is real and for some it can feel like a real uphill battle!
How can one make the menopause experience positive?
I’m a huge advocate for natural support during this time of our lives. Making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle can be of huge benefit. I’ve found a number of other ways to ease my symptoms including using essential oils and taking supplements to help myself feel better. I share this knowledge with my coaching clients and regularly in my app.
Tell us more about menopause in workplace and the courses you offer?
I’m so keen to help businesses understand how best to support peri/post menopausal women in the workplace. I offer in person workshops and online webinars to help educate and support staff. Then post workshop there are 3 courses that employees, management and leadership can take to consolidate their learnings with me.
What do you enjoy the most in your profession?
So many things! Watching the ladies I work with learn how to understand their own bodies better than they ever have brings me joy on a daily basis! But I also love my work with businesses and being a guest speaker at events and seminars. I’m lucky that my work is constantly varied - no one day is ever the same!
What are the challenges you face in your profession?
There can still be some resistance to supporting women going through menopause and I think we have a way to go until that disappears completely. The more we can all have open and honest chats about it the better!
Are there any experiences that you can share that you found bizarre in your line of work?
Not really! The only thing that sometimes surprises me is how young some ladies are when they begin their perimenopause journey. It seems to be happening earlier and earlier and I believe that’s because of lifestyle factors. Our lives are very different now to previous generations.
Tell us a bit about your Facebook group The Sisterhood and what is the main goal of the group? The Sisterhood is my other business baby and is another way for me to support women - but with this it’s all about business! I host meetings in Southend, Billericay and Brentwood every month - it’s a chance for ladies to meet and chat about what they do, asking for help if they need it.
Do you have a morning routine to set you up for the day?
I try and get out for a walk most mornings with the dog. It wakes me up and makes me happy - it’s a fab stress reliever too!
What’s your go-to way of winding down after a long day?
I have a whole essential oil ritual before I go to bed! I inhale lavender and frankincense together and also rub a drop of lavender essential oil on the sole of each foot. I can literally feel myself relaxing from that very first breath! I’m lucky to partner with dōTERRA who are the best in my opinion!!
What is the one word that you want people to associate you with?
Support - that’s what means the most to me with my work.
If you were not a menopause coach, what would you be doing?
Dancing in the West End!!!
How can people contact you?
You can find me online at www.themenopause-coach.co.uk and also in my Facebook groups www.facebook.com/groups/menopausemattersnaturallywithsarahridge and also www.facebook.com/groups/thesisterhoodnetworkinggroup
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