Q & A With . . .
Alex Kelly

Tell us a bit about yourself, who is Alex?
Grew up in Southend-On-Sea, was big into sport in secondary school & college which pushed me into the direction of the fitness industry. Was not a direct route, did various jobs to pay the bills, mortgage etc., then crushed a lot of metal in a job I was doing. This was the motivation to get fit and change my direction completely. Did a degree, set up a gym with a friend, then a few years later set up my own gym in Shoeburyness and now opening a new one in Westcliff.
What qualifications do you need?
To open a gym I don’t think you need any! But I’ve got a BSc in Sports Science, BND & HND in Sports Science plus nutritional and personal training qualifications.
What does Ultimate Fitness Gym provide?
We offer a bit of everything really. Obviously there is the gym side but we also have, cheerleading, gymnastics, dance, boxing, martial arts, personal training, SEN classes and its the home to the amazing coffee shop Spill the Beans!
What is your fitness specialty?
The thing we do different from other gyms is offer a more personal service. We make the effort to get to know our members and make sure they are getting the best service. Its a more friendly environment, like a little family.
Do you provide Personal Training?
Yes, personal training is something I do provide at the gym, its been something I have been doing for well over a decade now.
How do you assess new clients?
Have an initial discussion with them to get to know them, assess their goals, find out their background with fitness. I think its important to get to know as much as I can so I can put together the right session for them, that way they will hit their targets and enjoy it at the same time.
How do you track fitness goals?
At the end of each session I analyse how its gone, update improvements that have been made to their training plan. I then adjust it where needed so they continue making improvements.
How do incorporate fun in a personal training session?
Getting some tunes on & doing exercises that the client enjoys, getting involved with the session really makes it fun.
What is the most bizarre thing you have delt with in your line of work?
One thing that is memorable is a man trying to join the gym with a membership for himself and his dog. And then couldn’t understand why its wasn’t something we offered. Was funny watching him storm off with his dog following behind.
What do you enjoy the most in your profession?
The interaction with people and building relationships.
What are the challenges you face in your profession?
Competition from other gyms and personal trainers and selling yourself, you have to keep things updated and visual on social media to keep the business moving.
Do you have a morning routine to set you for the day?
Alarm is set for same time even if I’m not working so I keep that consistency, then coffee, shower and go. I always have my tasks sorted the night before for the next day.
What’s your go-to way of winding down after a long day?
I find going for a run is a great way to unwind and clear my head from a busy day.
What is the one word that you want people to associate you with?
If you were not the co-owner of Ultimate Fitness Gym and a Personal Trainer, what would you be doing?
I wouldn’t have a clue, just doing a job I hated as I’m lucky enough to be doing what I love for work.
How can people contact you?
On social media by searching ultimate fitness centre, we’re on Instagram as uf_gym or Facebook as Ultimate Fitness
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