Gratitude Jar
Last year, I came across a post on Instagram about a gratitude jar. The curious cat in me wanted to know more about this as I am all up for trying out all the mindful techniques and exercises out there.
All I had to do was buy a jar and at the end of every week list down all the things I was grateful for on a piece of paper and keep adding this to the jar for the entire year. At the end of the year when it came time for reflection, you read all the pieces of paper. Simple!
My hunt began for a jar that I felt connected to, I wanted it to be special and something that would motivate me to continue with the ritual. I searched online, but nothing really stood out to me. Then one evening I was browsing in the kitchen aisle at my local supermarket and THERE! a lone pasta jar was staring at me; it was love at first sight and I purchased the jar. It didn't take me long to make it look pretty, I just wanted it to serve the purpose I had bought it for.
And so, began my year long journey of gratitude from January 2020.

Kiran Kaur
On the Note:
Week ending (date)
I am grateful for...
Things I learnt throughout the year:
- I was mindful of my surroundings and I started seeing things from a place of gratitude
- Every Sunday I took 15 minutes to reflect on the week and list down all that I was grateful for, this enabled me to be disciplined
- Through the whole year I missed my Sunday ritual 3 times, but not to worry, I spent 30 minutes the next week reflecting on the week I had missed on
- Truly gratitude is indeed the new attitude, the more you are grateful, the more you receive to be grateful for
I recommend this technique!