Have A Go
Ho' oponopono
Many end up feeling stuck in their journey of life, out of all tried and tested techniques out there, some connected with Ho’oponopono. In 2011, I was reading a lot of self-help books, yet I felt like there was a missing piece to the puzzle. “Do you know about Ho’oponopono?” asks a friend, one day over coffee, my answer to her question was with another question, “Is there a new series on channel 5?” Little did I know what I was about to discover, that day was going to change my life.
My curiosity peeked and I had to know more about Ho’oponopono. Later that week I received an email from one of the holistic groups I had signed up for and the article was about Ho’oponopono, synchronicity at its best and at the end of the article was a small exercise. The first time I worked on the exercise, I felt very calm and I knew everything will be alright.
Ho’oponopono is an age-old Hawaiian invocation that is used for forgiveness of others, forgiveness of self, self-love, and gratitude. It is an effortless and evocative way to enhance forgiveness and healing. It sets us free from all the extra baggage we carry from the past, any negative feelings and any repeat patterns that are unhelpful.

Photo by Ann-Christinj
The exercise below is for about 5 – 10 minutes, feel free to go longer:
- Sit in a quiet place without any interruptions.
- Take deep breaths to calm your breathing.
- Think of a situation that is really bothering you, it could be that annoying colleague at work, a relative you had a fall out with, someone who conned you for your hard-earned cash, a toxic relationship that ended badly.
- Connect with the person concerned, feel these emotions, let it consume your body, it will be uncomfortable and hurtful, but it must be done.
- Say out loud the 4 statements in order below:
I am sorry,
Please forgive me,
I love you,
Thank you.
- Repeat the mantra above until you feel lighter, like a weight lifted off your shoulders.
- Thank the divine and carry that love and light you have created.
Things I learnt:
- My health started improving.
- The other person no longer had control over me and my thoughts.
- I was learning to let go of the extra emotional baggage I carried with me.
- I had opened gates to opportunities and miracles were happening.
I recommend this technique!