Have A Go
A Deep Breath of Life

Before 2021 began, I wanted to have a go at a different mindful technique that would bring about daily inspiration every day. The Gratitude Jar in 2020, brought an awareness to being grateful for all that I have been blessed with; all the good around me, material good, spiritual connections, and emotional communication.
For 2021, I came across a book called “A Deep Breath of Life, daily inspiration for heart-centered living” by Alan Cohen. The book has a daily message to make you aware of your full potential. It begins with a quote, a short story related to the inspiration of the day. And affirmations of the day to carry with you all day.
The year has been a year of rebirth, alignment, repercussions, and comeback. A lot of healing, clearance, and clarity. The book was indeed an inspiration for the heart-centered living, every night before the new dawn I would go to bed with an intuitive question and this book had the answer in the form of a message. The resonance was extraordinary, the connection was so strong to this book that it blew my mind.
December 22 – Enough of a Reason
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. – Oscar Wilde
My friend Bette was in conflict over turning on her Christmas tree lights. “I usually don’t turn on the tree lights unless I have company”, Bette told me. “One night I was alone, and I felt like looking at the lights. I thought that it would be foolish and wasteful to turn them all on just for myself. Then I realised that I was enough of a reason. I put on the lights and enjoyed one of the most meaningful Christmas-season evening I can remember.”
Help me remember that my nature is love, and my birth right is happiness.
Life is my reason for Celebration!
I bought the book on my kindle and every day I looked forward to reading the message of the day. The daily inspiration did indeed center the heart.
By Kiran Kaur
Om Chanting
The moment people start to chant together in the OM Chanting circle, their own vibration is transformed into OM.
5 Habits to end your Day
End your day on a positive note
5 Habits to start your Day
How you start your day can set the tone for the rest of your day.
The word Archangel is derived from a Greek word whereby the word Archi means highest, chief, most important and Angel means a messenger of God. When put together it means the highest messenger of God.
Chakras - 4 of 4 Parts - Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra
Have you ever wondered why you might often be feeling low, feeling a lack of energy, unwell or frozen with pain? Is it possible that there could be a block in one or several of your chakras?
Chakras - 3of 4 Parts - Heart Chakra and Throat Chakra
Have you ever wondered why you might often be feeling low, feeling a lack of energy, unwell or frozen with pain? Is it possible that there could be a block in one or several of your chakras?

Chakras - 2 of 4 Parts - Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra
Have you ever wondered why you might often be feeling low, feeling a lack of energy, unwell or frozen with pain? Is it possible that there could be a block in one or several of your chakras?

Chakras - 1 of 4 Parts - Introduction to Chakras and Root Chakra
Have you ever wondered why you might often be feeling low, feeling a lack of energy, unwell or frozen with pain? Is it possible that there could be a block in one or several of your chakras?
Did you know that we have 60,000 thoughts in a day? And did you know that out of those 60,000 thoughts, 12,000 are focused on what could go wrong? And these thoughts are repeated every day.
Mirror Work
“What comes to mind when you look at yourself in the mirror?” The self-talk, the critique comes out firing all guns blazing. We start considering the mirror our enemy and spend the first 10 minutes each morning scrutinizing all the flaws we think we have, all the nips and tucks we could have if it were affordable.
Many end up feeling stuck in their journey of life, out of all tried and tested techniques out there, some connected with Ho’oponopono.
I AM are the two most powerful words we use daily.
Gratitude Jar
Last year, I came across a post on Instagram about a gratitude jar. The curious cat in me wanted to know more about this as I am all up for trying out all the mindful techniques and exercises out there.
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