Inspire Tale
Pandemic and Love
What is L.O.V.E? In times of the pandemic, an area touched is relationships and romance. Study shows that more and more single people are seeking their potential partners and are being picky at that. Not to forget the couples, partners and spouses, these two years of being in locked down, has either strengthened or weakened relationships and been a testing time for all. In the Pandemic series Aura shares short inspire tales of ordinary people living their extraordinary lives during the pandemic, focusing on the impact it has had on relationships and romance.
Relationships and Romance in the Covid Times:
Brad, 45
Before the pandemic, life was hectic, all the business trips kept me away from family life. My professional life took over my personal life, I thrived on my next victory in winning clients for the company I work for. I would be away for 2 weeks, the longest I stayed away was for a month. And when I came home my wife, and I would ignite our romance, love, and sex life, everything seemed to be perfect in my life.
However, just before the lockdown, things began to change, my wife, also a professional, had more responsibilities as she was also looking after our two children and house chores. I tried to help as much as I could, when I was home from my business trips, but it did not seem enough and we began to argue a lot more, our love life suffered in the process. Then the lockdown happened, and we both worked from home, as well as our work, we were homeschooling our children. We began to share our responsibilities, taking turns in completing the household chores and working on personal projects. We rekindled our love life, and this pandemic has made me value my wife and children and the important relationships in my life.

Image from Canva
Samantha, 35
I have been married to my husband (37) for five years, and we took care of each other’s needs as best as we could. We also had our individual lives that we led, some “ME” time with a few of my very close friends and he had his friends that he frequently went out with. And in the lockdown our social lives suffered, and we spent more time with each other and got to know each other even better. I guess we were making the most of the situation.
Then one day, I received a message on Facebook from a random stranger, telling me that my husband had been paying money to his girlfriend in return for sexual favours. And if I didn’t believe it then I should check his bank account for the payments he made to the woman. I had no idea on how to bring up this conversation and decided to take a direct approach. I confronted him, showing him the message, and asked him to explain himself. It turned out that the woman was his ex-girlfriend, and she used his PayPal account for her small business, and he made bank transfers to her in return. The logic thing was to ask him to show me his bank account and match the payments to his PayPal account, which he did, and everything matched.
But there was still this niggling feeling and I asked to see his phone and the messages between the two, and then is when he admitted that he was flirting with her, but he had never had sex with her in the time we have been together. How does one go past this? It broke my trust in him and now every time he goes out, I keep wondering who is he with? And where is he. We tried to work things out, but I could not come to terms with the trust part of our relationship. I moved out of our home and went to live with my parents until I worked through this issue. 6 months on from the episode, my husband has worked on winning me back and has moved above and beyond to win my trust, I decided to give him a second chance with the condition that his ex needs to get her own PayPal account and stop using his and that he needs to cut ties with her completely.
Steve, 25
I met my partner during the pandemic. Like many of us, I was under the lockdown on my own and it was a good time to work on myself from a selflove point of view. I did a lot of soul searching and I would question about the purpose of my life. I then came across an online meditation group where we met over a zoom call and raise the vibration of the entire group. We met fortnightly for a 30-minute meditation and an hour of talking about spirituality session. And not to make it monotonous we created buddy groups of 4 and met online on the week when there were no sessions. I met Sara, in the buddy group and we hit it off. I gathered the courage and sent her a private message on our zoom call and asked for her phone number to keep in touch.
And we kept connected over WhatsApp and the more we interacted the more we found out that we had a lot in common and she lived relatively close to where I lived. I asked her out on a virtual date, and we cooked each other’s favourite meals and shared it over a zoom call. When we were allowed to meet others outdoors, we arranged to meet up in the park near us, I guess that was our first real date. After talking to each other for a few months we decided to move in together, since my flat was larger than hers, the logic thing to do was for her to move in with me. Its now a year on from when Sara first moved in, and we discover something new about each other every day.
Later Sara confessed that she had sent out a message to the Universe to meet like-minded people with whom she could have a deeper connection and if there was a prospective of a love interest then she would love that. She had also visualized her ideal partner and when she saw me the first time on the zoom call, she could not believe that I had appeared in her reality.
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
We bring you more inspire tales from the 3 beautiful souls about love and relationships during the pandemic, ensure that you fall in love not because you are lonely, but because you are ready to fall in love.
by Kiran Kaur
February 2022
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Pandemic & Finances
“Secretly I felt a sense of relief, the only low point was not receiving a weekly healthy pay packet."
January 2022
Acne, PCOS & Thick Lining
“I began to feel like a lab rat going through a series of trials, tests and painful probing."
by Kiran Kaur, December 2021
Mr. Slime Ball!
' “there is another girl!”, and my response was “ME!”. And she stopped talking to the caller and turns to me saying, “there is me, you, and another girl.'
Narrated by Kiran Kaur, the Inspire Tale of Arty , November 2021

That Feeling called Anxiety!
Step back take a deep breath go within and reflect on living in the present moment, in the now and center to that peace of mind that you deserve and want."
by Kiran Kaur, October 2021
No! mean No!
"... I asked him to stop, but he wouldn’t. ‘Just shut up and enjoy it, you know you want it!’ "
Narrated by Kiran Kaur, the Inspire Tale of an Anonymous friend , September 2021
Beauty has no Skin Tone
"the prospects of her getting married are dim because of her skin tone"
By Kiran Kaur, August 2021
Real Men don't Talk
"Let us move from the mindset of Real Men Don’t Talk to REAL MEN DO TALK!"
By Kiran Kaur, July 2021
"You Only Live Twice"
"I imagine you must have heard the famous quote, “it takes 21 days to form a habit and 90 days to make it a lifestyle.” I do testify that a lifestyle change is such a powerful mindset change."
By Sumit Dodhi, June 2021

I, The Healer
"... As an overweight child I had the idea of asking the boy to heal me and make me thin, but for unforeseeable circumstances the boy moved to the city, reiki was forgotten and so was my dream to abracadabra my weight issue."
By Kiran Kaur, May 2021
The Unheard Chapter
My Journey towards Spiritual Healing
Since I could not “fit into” the system, I chose to challenge it. And this remains true to date. It is not easy opposing systems or going against the currents."
By Alia Datoo, April 2021
Uniquely Abled
"I waited patiently in the living room of her family home, out came this beautiful lady. Her photos do not do her justice, by the way. She was a big ball of fiery energy and perched gracefully on the sofa. Mesmerised by her aura, I just had to know her inspiring tale."
Narrated by Kiran Kaur, the Inspire Tale of Nafisa Khanbhai - March 2021
Married a Tree
"I turned to make my way back to the car but in my haste my salwar (trousers) caught on a thorny shrub. All I could think of was " Kiran, don't look back, please don't look back!". I tugged at my salwar without looking behind me and ripped part of it in the process, there goes a piece of my favourite outfit..."
By Kiran Kaur, February 2021
Independent women have always been underestimated for their abilities and intelligence, even more so in the Asian community. The whole misconception of a woman’s place being in the kitchen and pleasing a man in bed really fascinates me."
By Rupi Kandola, January 2021
"NO" to Bullying
He looks at my chest and says “Your boobs are so big, that you can’t even see your feet!” and the abuse went on and on. By this time most of the boys have come round and they keep staring at my chest, sniggering. All I want in that moment is for the ground to open and swallow me whole."
By Kiran Kaur, December 2021
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