Nobody can make you Happy, until you are Happy with yourself first! – Anon
It is human nature to seek external happiness, all our life we are under the illusion that being with someone will make us very happy. I used to believe that too, using a relationship or work to fill that void, suppressing, and running away from true feelings.
90% of the population feel miserable when they are single, feeling lost without a significant other or envying couples, believing that you need to be happy when you are part of a romantic relationship. A feeling of anxiety when you are apart, having a negative emotion when they are away. Always looking for their approval, seeking for a compliment, this is a sign of having a low self-esteem. Many fall apart when a relationship ends, they end up being sad because they have lost a loved one, little do they know if it does not happen that way then how are they going to form new relationships.
Some ways to fall in love with yourself, is to focus on your higher-self and unite your mind, body, and soul, start with traveling alone, it can get overwhelming, but it is an amazing journey to self-discovery. I travelled to Hong Kong with my then boyfriend while he was on a work conference, I planned my daily excursions and explored Hong Kong on my own, I learnt a lot about myself and enjoyed my own company. Now whenever I get a chance, I plan a getaway to honour myself.
Be adventurous, if for any reason you are not being yourself around your partner, now is the time to embrace your quirkiness and do the things you always wanted to do, that cooking course you have been putting off, or learning a sport, or playing an instrument, maybe karaoke in the local club that you have been wanting to experience. I embraced my spiritual side and joined psychic circles that would enhance my spiritual growth.
Improve your diet and health, nourish your body, more fruits, and vegetables, choosing healthier options. Take up an exercise class that you have been drawn to but never got the chance to give it a go. Yoga is another way to help you relax, if like me you struggle with meditation then I recommend this movement meditation its mind blowing. Another thing I enjoy is working out in the gym with my personal trainer and my husband, who knew a workout can be fun.
Spend time in nature, the woods, the beach, climb that mountain or you can walk barefoot in your back garden. Seek alternative methods to heal your soul, try out a reiki healing session, or acupuncture practice, or crystal healing among others, let it go and flow in whatever form you are drawn to and enjoy the benefits.
Seek that independence and take time out, and some of the positive outcomes are:. All thoughts are harmonious and filled with love, all the lower vibrations are cleared. There is an inner glow due to the love and it shines through every cell, and every pore. Things within and around you change, there is a sense of peace and at times you will be compelled to adapt to changes, , a new job, a promotion and in extreme cases even move geographically among others.
The feeling of fluttering butterflies in the stomach and tingling feeling of eagerness, a gut feeling of anticipation. Sudden clarity and dismissal craving of a union and acceptance that another person does not make them complete. Creativity and inspiration to begin an artistic journey, the Universe directing the heart to a wonderful destiny and manifestation comes with ease.
by Kiran Kaur
*** Dear Reader,
The Inspire Tales I write about are not for the faint hearted, I write from the depth of my heart and this is my way of expressing myself. And I will under no circumstances apologise for my views.
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