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Work on Yourself

In my article love yourself, I mentioned about ways to make yourself happy, after all it is an inside job. And now you are a work in progress, how does one keep it maintained, you may have done the time spending in nature, you have indulged in having a healthy and luxurious meal, travelling by yourself, exercise, meditation, and yoga.

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Love the Verb

Of lately I have been questioning about love and what does it really mean, as humans we seek external love, yet we fail to seek it from within, I mean we are constantly seeking external validation rather than turn inwards to ourselves. After reading “How to be Love(d)” by Humble the Poet, what stood out the most to me was “Love the Verb”.

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6 Tips to be Money Savvy

Lots of people find managing their money a challenge. The basic rules of money management are simple but planning and managing personal finances can be complicated as our lives are complicated. Here are a few pointers to help you make the most of your money before pressing that 'Buy' button:

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I, The Healer

At the age of 3, my Grandma made my acquaintance to God through prayers and singing hymns. This connection of being one with the supreme being is an out-of-this-world experience, as Dr Wayne Dyer quoted “You are an infinite spiritual being having a temporary human experience”. The authentic you (your soul) is having this amazing out-of-body experience to feel this oneness with the limitless source.

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What is your Love Language?

During a numerology or manifestation session, clients bring up the lack of connection with their other half. “He is emotionally unavailable at all times.”, “She doesn’t care about me anymore.”, “I always ask him where our relationship is headed, I feel so unloved.” The secret to lasting love is to know your and your partner’s Love Language! Dr. Gary Chapman talks about them in his book ‘The 5 Love Languages. The Secret to Love That Lasts.’ Towards the end of the book there is an assessment of 30 statements for Him and Her that tally up and give you your prime Love Language. What are these Love Languages?

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Married A Tree

In 2020 life changed in many ways - "stay at home, stay safe, save lives", binge-watching series on Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc became a way of life, the new norm.  After a day's work, my way to wind down for a couple of hours was to watch series that were light-hearted, one of which was called 'Made In Heaven' on Amazon Prime and is a story of two wedding planners in Delhi. There was one episode that took me back to 20 years ago but before I begin my story, there are a few things that I need to mention:

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NO to Bullying

Bullying happens everywhere, among family members, in schools, at workplaces, on the streets. What provokes a bully to treat their victim with such hate?  A bully is perceived to come from a place of power, yet the crux of the matter is that it comes from that person's insecurities or in most cases from their troubled or traumatic background. Ultimately bullying happens when you do not fit in with their perceived criteria of “normal”. 

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She, Her, Female, Woman