Chit Chat With . . .
Michelle Arscott
An Author & Life Coach

Her children's book "Jake's Joyful Bubbles" is a hit with not only the kids but with the adults too. My favourite part is the mindful exercises and meditation at the end of the book, I never knew that meditation could be so much fun. She is also a children's life coach and her methods are amzing and truly make a difference. This month our Chit Chat is with Michelle Arscott, An Author and Life Coach, who talks about writing, her spirit animal, her favourite childhood book and life coaching.
How did you come up with the name of the character in your book?
I like the name Jake and that name resonated with me for this character.
Tell us a bit about the book?
It’s an introduction to mindfulness for 2-6 year olds. Introducing the beauty of nature and being present with it plus the concept of the loving kindness meditation and gratitude. A simple story of a boys adventure in his garden and his love of nature.
Where did you get the idea from?
Mindfulness teacher accreditation course - section on loving kindness meditation.
Did you ever consider writing under a pseudo name?
No as theme of book correlates to my work.
What advice would you give to other upcoming authors?
Just do it and have an accountability partner.
Who are your favourite authors?
So many, too many plus like all sorts of books.
As a writer what would you choose your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?
A Butterfly
Do you find writing as a kind of spiritual practice?
Writing is a way of honouring my creative side, connecting to my senses, heart, emotions so yes - inner poetry.
What is your favourite childhood book that you loved to read?
The lion the witch and the wardrobe.
Do you believe in writers block?
Yes - just as we have blocks in life.
Tell us more about being a life coach?
I love it, helping people to step into their best version of themselves. Helping them to shift perspective and develop a positive mindset and realise that they can choose happiness every-time.
Who are your clients?
Mums-stay at home ones, career mums, people not happy with their lives, kids, companies.
How does coaching an adult differ from coaching a child?
Coaching kids is coaching and mentoring. Adults it’s coaching because they have the answers within, kids may have but also may not as not lived. Kids coaching is more playful and can be less dancing in the moment.
What are the challenges you face in your profession?
Juggling with motherhood and keeping the hours within school hours.
And Saying no....
How has the pandemic affected you?
Had to reframe, learnt a lot during this period, worked on myself and this then made me a better coach and wellness expert - I walked the talk. A lot more doors opened as a consequence- authenticity. Top schools, hospitals, NGO s and UNICEF.
How do you contribute towards the society/community?
Through my work, passion. I share a lot with my peers and am supportive. Do pro-bono for my coaching community and some charities. Recently ran a pro-bono programme for vets suffering from compassion fatigue. Also I do emotional resilience sessions for key workers/ front liners - some pro-bono. I also write for MomBoss magazine, empowering MomBosses.
If you were not an author/life coach, what would you be doing?
A children’s tv presenter.
How can people contact you?
Also follow On IG/FB the international life coach
Fb The international kids life coach
Where can one buy your book?

Photo by Rupi Kandola
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